How to Wake a Sleeping Lady (Book 1)
How to Wake a Sleeping Lady (Book 1)
How to Wake a Sleeping Lady (Book 1)
How to Wake a Sleeping Lady (Book 1)
How to Wake a Sleeping Lady (Book 1)
How to Wake a Sleeping Lady (Book 1)

How to Wake a Sleeping Lady (Book 1)

Happy Ever Regency Series
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She lost yesterday, but they could still find tomorrow.

The sad truth is: Martha cannot remember her life. Or her family. Or even her own name.
After being fished out of the sea three years ago, Martha has been living at an abbey, unable to unearth more than little bits and pieces about herself. Her joy of gardening. Her love for the outdoors. Her unruly tongue…that utters too much instead of keeping it safely sealed inside.

But Martha is content…or tries to be…
…at least until a dashing young gentleman comes to the abbey one day and upends her life yet again.

Because, apparently, her name is not Martha.
Of course!
Her name is Agnes Bottombrock.
Or it used to be because, now, she is AGNES BARRETT, COUNTESS OF WENTFORD.
And…she is
his wife! Sigh!

The moment GRANT BARRETT, EARL OF WENTFORD, met his Nessa for the very first time, he believed himself lost in a dream. He loved the unflinching way her eyes met his. He loved how she snapped at him to stay away from her. He loved the way her breath shuddered past her lips as he drew closer.

He loved
And then he lost her.

Forced to bury his heart, Grant spent three endless years mourning his wife, missing his wife, yearning for his wife…until a rumor sends him up north to a remote abbey. As though nothing happened, Nessa suddenly stands before him once again, not a figment of his imagination, not a distant memory, but a woman of flesh and blood.
A woman who does not remember him.
Or their love.

Yet Grant is far from discouraged. After the insurmountable chasm of death that stood between them before, conquering his wife’s heart all over again should be an easy feat, should it not?

Brimming with emotional angst, family bonds, and redemptive romance, How to Wake a Sleeping Lady is a stirring story that speaks to the enduring power of love, forgiveness, and finding one’s way back home.

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BREE WOLF is a USA Today bestselling author and award-winning word wizard, who is rarely seen without a book in hand or fingers glued to the keyboard.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Lesley Walsh
Romance, Amnesia and Mystery

This book follows on from How to Live Happily Ever After but can be read as a standalone as all the necessary back story is covered in the prologue. This is a romantic story of a fated pair who are ripped apart, with neither knowing that the other is alive. The torment is much worse for Grant as he mourns the loss of his wife everyday despite having remarried to give his daughter a mother. Nessie on the other hand has lost her memory, with the entirety of her past gone and it is only through the efforts of her father who never gives up hope that she is found. With his second marriage declared void, Grant takes steps to protect her by persuading a reclusive friend to marry her but is reluctant to tell Nessie of her existence and perhaps lose her again. And so begins a quest to get Nessie to fall in love with him again, whilst keeping secrets that have him walking on thin ice! The discovery of each secret furthers Nessie’s doubts, as does a letter that throws doubt on their previous relationship. Can Nessie learn to trust and fall in love for a second time?

Enjoyable second chance romance

An enjoyable story and a second chance at a forgotten love. Grant and Nessa are wonderful characters, an entertaining journey back to their happily ever after.

Kathy Douglas
Perfect blend of romance and mystery

This book is the delightful conclusion to Grant and Nessa's story. Seven years have passed since Grant and Nessa married. Three years ago, Nessa was in a horrific carriage accident and was swept out to sea and presumed dead. A year ago, Grant's mother convinced him to marry Eugenie, a young debutante, to be a mother for Millie, Grant and Nessa's young daughter. This book is the perfect blend of romance and a mystery of what happened to Nessa! WONDERFUL!

Clever Fairy Tale!

I really enjoyed this book. Each of these is a stand-alone based on a different fairy tale, this one being Sleeping Beauty.
The main characters, Nessa and Grant are devine, each with their own strengths and weaknesses and I loved them both. And then there is the daughter who absolutely grabbed my heart and didn't let go.
There is the horrid mother-in-law and a lovely, caring father/grandfather too as well as some other interesting characters.
The mystery of Nessa's loss of memory is solved and, oh yes, a second wife enters the picture too.
The story just flows out of Bree Wolf's pen and it conjures up pictures as one read it. So this is a definite recommend because I loved every second of it!

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