How to Tame a Beastly Lord (Book 2)
How to Tame a Beastly Lord (Book 2)
How to Tame a Beastly Lord (Book 2)
How to Tame a Beastly Lord (Book 2)
How to Tame a Beastly Lord (Book 2)
How to Tame a Beastly Lord (Book 2)

How to Tame a Beastly Lord (Book 2)

Happy Ever Regency Series
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Kindness can melt even the coldest heart if given a chance to ignite passion.

Never has LADY EUGENIE done anything untoward. Never would she have dared. Yet she suddenly finds herself in a most dire situation, unwed and with child.

Of course, no white knight rides to the rescue because life is simply not a fairy tale. Or is it?

Out of nowhere, the rumored
Beast of Ravengrove, a hideously scarred earl who wanders his ancestral home at night—according to the gossips!—offers to marry her, promising her the protection of his name. Without an alternative, Eugenie reluctantly accepts, terrified of what life will have in store for her as the new Lady of Ravengrove. Yet, soon she comes to realize that there is more to her new husband than meets the eye.

ADRIAN BROOKS, EARL OF REMSEMERE, never wanted a wife, equally certain that no woman would ever want him. Yet despite his best intentions, he suddenly finds himself married to one such alluring creature. And what is worse: after years of existing as a mere shadow of who he once was, Adrian’s treacherous heart once again longs to live.

And love.

Out of the shadows, Adrian watches his young wife, her alluring gray eyes drawing him near. He knows he ought to keep his distance, but instead each day brings down his defenses a bit more. She is like a fairy out of legend, gentle and sweet, her shy eyes seeking his every so often, as though she, too, feels herself thrown off balance, her heart in danger of leaping from her chest.

But no lady could ever love a beast, or could she?

How to Tame a Beastly Lord is a sweeping gothic tale of overcoming the pains of the past, surrendering to forbidden passion, and letting the light back in. Immerse yourself in the angst-filled romance of this Victorian Beauty and the Beast retelling today!

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BREE WOLF is a USA Today bestselling author and award-winning word wizard, who is rarely seen without a book in hand or fingers glued to the keyboard.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
A beastly love story

A fallen lady and her beastly lord proves to be a wonderful and emotion filled romance. Eugenie and Adrian learn to love again, a journey to a deserving happily ever after.

Kathy D
Couldn't put it down!

I love this series! I love the way that each book stands alone but that the time periods over lap, told by different points of view. This is Eugenie and Adrian's story. When Nessa is found a live and Grant is still married to her under the law, he must find a situation for his second wife, now that their married is considered void under England's law. Grant approaches his dear old friend, Adrian, and asks him to protect and marry Eugenie and take care of her and his unborn child. Grant is a tortured soul having survived a horrific fire eight years ago that took the lives of his whole family. Unable to stand the survivors' guilt, he joins the English army in the fight against France and finds his best friend, Emery. This book is the perfect blend of romance and suspense. I couldn't put it down!

This one did it for me!

To me, there is nothing more pleasing than being able to settle down to read a story and be lifted out of the seriousness of life into a world of love, romance and whatever else that particular book brings.
This one did it for me!
It took four characters who were plagued by some tragedy in each of their pasts and gave them lives worth living and along the way I laughed or cried and felt for each of them as the story came to life for me.
Not only is this one really well written, but it communicates on all levels and that is what a great story is about!
I loved every second of this book and highly recommend it as it flows straight to the heart!

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